The Walking Dead 9×14 Easter Eggs
“Scars” may have been one of the darkest episodes of The Walking Dead to date. However, show producers dropped some nostalgic easter eggs throughout the episode to lighten the mood. Did you catch them?

Daryl has a special place in his heart for Judith. Always her protector and “uncle” figure. The scene was only fitting that Judith would confide in Uncle Daryl her frustrations at home. But there was a little more to the scene as the posturing and placement of their conversation mirrored another.
That conversation being between Rick and Daryl back in Season 4 Episode 16, “A.” Where Rick for the first time calls Daryl his brother after the traumatic rescue of Carl from The Claimers. Similar to the storyline in “Scars,” as Michonne and Daryl go to rescue Judith and the children of Alexandria. Along with the undertone of Daryl being family to Michonne, Judith and RJ.
A Saved Seat

There was a lot of Grimes family this episode. Fans got a better glimpse of RJ and the Grimes home dynamic. However, there is someone missing from family dinner night. A vacant seat is left at the dining to table as though the chair is waiting from Rick’s return home. Maybe there will be a future call back to this scene with a much happier undertone and more tomatoes!
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