The Walking Dead 6×14 “Twice as Far”
The episode shows the daily routine of Alexandria and the people inside the walls now that everyone is back and safe. We see Morgan practicing with his staff, Carol sitting on her front porch swing, Father Gabriel patrolling the streets, Sasha on lookout, and Eugene being put on duty to guard the front gate. I believe this shows progress and the ability to keep moving forward after everything that has happened.
We know Carol has been struggling the last couple episodes with her kill count, and possibly the loss of her humanity; she is desperately trying to avoid becoming Paula. She has a moment with Daryl and he asks, “What did they do to you?” Reverting to the pervious episode where she was captured, and she responds, “Nothing, It’s what we did to them.”
Abraham and Eugene end up finding a place where Eugene can craft bullets. He tells Abraham that bullets will be like currency in the new world. He is a new Eugene (still not the most street smart), but he is book smart. He wants to prove himself capable to defend himself. Abraham tells him to basically prove it as a walker emerges with melted steel or iron on his head. Eugene is unsuccessful and looks as if he will be the walker’s dinner, but Abraham moves in and kills it for him. Eugene is pissed and tells Abraham he would have killed it (yeah right). He then proceeds to tell Abraham he no longer requires his service, that he is no longer useful (**head smack**). Abraham leaves in a fury.
Denise goes to Rosita and Daryl telling them she remembers seeing an apothecary when she was lost out in the world, and that there may be medicine there that they could use. She tells them it’s not far and insists on going with them. Rosita and Daryl both tell her she is not ready to experience what goes on outside the walls. Rosita even tells Daryl she is not going to ‘babysit’ alone.
Denise wins in the end, and the three of them head out in search of the apothecary. They come to a stop when there is a fallen tree in the road, which makes them have to walk the rest of the way. Daryl insists on taking the road, and Rosita insists on taking the railroad tracks telling Daryl it will be faster. He doesn’t listen and goes his way, Denise following. Rosita takes the railroad, possibly to prove a point.
Rosita’s way ends up being faster as she is sitting and waiting for the other two. They make their way into the apothecary. Denise notices pictures of children on the counter as Daryl and Rosita investigate. They find that it has not yet been looted. Daryl and Rosita tell Denise they are taking it all, rather than selecting just a few items. They hear a noise and Denise decides to investigate (I think everyone is screaming no! don’t be stupid!). She finds a rotting walker in a pile of mush on the floor, clearly not going anywhere. As she investigates further and we see a child’s shoe alluding to the child possibly having been eaten. Disgusted she runs out of the apothecary and waits for Daryl and Rosita outside.
They leave happy with what they have collected from their run; Daryl even decided to take Rosita’s way back to Alexandria. They pass an area of broken down cars and Denise sees a cooler in one. She tells the others there could be something they need in it, but the other two tell her no, they got what they came for. Denise goes to the car anyway only to find a walker trapped inside, but she insists on getting the damn cooler. She goes to the passenger side where the cooler is only for the walker to grab her. She struggles and Daryl and Rosita run over to help, but she tells them no, and that she needs to kill it. She does kill it successfully avoiding being bit, and is rewarded with ‘Pop’ inside the cooler (remember she asked Daryl to get it for her to give to Tara).
Daryl and Rosita are furious. They ask her what the hell she was thinking? She could have gotten killed and that she’s not ready. Finally, Denise makes a stand giving Daryl and Rosita a piece of her mind. She tells Daryl that he reminds her of her brother who was brave and fearless and that she felt safe with him. She tells Rosita that she sees that she is struggling and needed to get out of Alexandria. She tells them that she needed to do this for herself, to prove she can adapt and regrets not being able to go with Tara. As she is giving this heartfelt talk to the two, an arrow shoots her through the eye (my heart broke). Daryl catches her as she falls to the ground. We see that it was Dwight who killed her, who now has a half burnt face (we meet him a while back in the burnt woods, and he is a Savior).
Dwight is with a larger group of men and he has Eugene on his knees. He coldly tells Daryl that he wasn’t aiming for Denise, and that he is a little rusty with Daryl’s crossbow.
Eugene looks around and sees Abraham hiding behind some barrels. He tells Dwight about Abraham. Dwight sends his men over to investigate and thats when Eugene bites Dwight right in the crotch! ( I was laughing so hard!). This gave Rosita and Daryl time to pick up their weapons and take cover as they blew away their enemies with Abraham helping as well. Walkers are drawn to the noise, and now they are shooting at walkers and the Saviors. Eugene is shot and falls between the railroad tracks, and Dwight and a handful of men run away. Daryl Grabbing his crossbow and about to go after them, only for Rosita to stop him.
Abraham, Rosita and Daryl carry Eugene back to Alexandria. Luckily Eugene was just grazed by a bullet and with the medicine that Denise told the crew to get saved Eugene from possible infection. They do go back for Denise and Daryl and Carol bury her.
All in all Carol ends up leaving Alexandria, leaving a letter behind with Tobin explaining that she can’t have anymore blood on her hands, enemies or her fellow companions; She just can’t do it anymore.
Finally at the end of the episode, it takes us back to the opening scenes and stops on Morgan who is staring over to where Carol used to sit. What is going on inside the mind of Morgan? As we saw he had built a jail cell, similar to the one he was in when he transformed into our now zen Morgan. Is he planning on trying to rescue Carol and make her a zen version of herself?
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