Teen Wolf: 6×09 ‘Words Left Unsaid’

Teen Wolf packed in the feels in episode 9 properly titled “Memory Found.” Malia, Lydia and Scott relive their memories with Stiles, and come across some heartbreaking moments which leaves them questioning just how important Stiles is to them. Here are some key moments and predictions from the episode.

Brothers For Life 

Scott is the first to climb into Parrish’s ‘Cold Chamber’ in hopes that the cold will put him into a hypnotic state. This is a reference and a nod back to Season 3 when Isaac, Scott, Stiles and Allison were submerged in ice bathes in hopes to gain memories. Scott is immediately taken to a not so pleasant memory in Season 1: Stiles learns that Scott kisses Lydia after asking for his friend’s help to put in a good word to his childhood crush.

Scott sees the pain on Stiles’s face as he sits outside the bedroom where younger Scott was chained up on the first full moon. Seeing Stiles upset by his actions leaves Scott shaken that he hurt his friend. This leads to the swarm of memories that floods him all at once causing Scott to become overwhelmed.

Lydia and Malia become concerned for their Alpha leader as he can’t control the memory overload. Lydia gets the idea that Scott needs to be guided through the memories. She creates a dialogue where Scott is in the high school amongst lockers. Inside each locker are memories that he has with Stiles. Scott is worried he won’t find the right memory to open the rift as the row of lockers seems endless.

Malia, all of sudden, can recall a memory of Stiles where they had a discussion about life after high school. Stiles was planning to get an apartment with Scott post graduation despite Malia’s warning about living with a friend. To this, Stiles replies, “It wouldn’t matter because they weren’t just friends. They were more like brothers.” This sparks the memories from Season 3 “Motel California” when Stiles reminded Scott of their brotherly bond. The scene was even more heartbreaking than the first time, and left viewers with open wounds to what has been one of the most powerful scenes in Teen Wolf.

Unfortunately, Scott’s heart rate declines from the cold and he has to be removed from the ‘Cold Chamber’ before he is able to open the rift.

An Anchor 

Malia is next to undergo the ‘Cold Chamber’ where she is walked through a library scenario by Lydia. She is instructed to look for a shelf of books that contains memories of Stiles. She finds a small stack of books and begins to flip through pages of memories. Some of those memories are not so pleasant from her days at Eichen house where she first met Stiles. Finally, she is led to one memory where Stiles left her behind in order to save her. Malia too begins to feel the cold and is released from the chamber. She comes out with a small light from the rift that quickly disappears.

A Tether 

Scott and Malia know that Lydia is the key and the one that can open the rift. Lydia, unable to take on the chill from the ‘Cold Chamber’, suggests hypnosis. This is the same technique she under went when she was a child to get rid of her nail biting habit. She prepares her own script for hypnosis that involves a television with multiple channels of memories with Stiles.

Lydia finds herself stuck on the memory of the Winter Formal and, after going through memory channels, she starts to hear dialogue outside the classroom. Following the voices, she is led to the locker room where Lydia kissed Stiles to stop his panic attack. From there, Lydia remembers Stiles: she remembers the Ghost Riders taking him and most importantly she is reminded that the kiss changed how she felt for Stiles. From that moment on she was falling for Stiles. She awakens emotionally from hypnosis saying, “I never said it back.” This refers to when Stiles told her that he loved her before he was taken. The guilt and pain of missing the chance to tell Stiles she loves him opens the rift. Their emotional tether shakes the ground until the tunnel of light is seen. Lydia stands at the end of the rift and mutters, “Stiles?”

Dislikes and Thoughts

  • Dislikes: I have to say I am disappointed that Teen Wolf and the writers have forgotten the foundation of the show. The foundation being that Teen Wolf is about Scott McCall and his bromance with Stiles Stilinski.  Show creator Jeff Davis claims that the basis of the show revolves around their bromance.  How could that connection and bond cause no effect to bring about the rift?  How was Malia’s connection more powerful to bring about a spark effect of the rift? Sure Lydia and Stiles are tethers and share a connection, but it feels like the writers are writing off Scott from what is his show. Hope the second half goes back to the roots and allows Scott to be the focus again.

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