Teen Wolf 6×02: What The Hell Is Going On?

Teen Wolf 6×02: What The Hell Is Going On?

The final season of Teen Wolf is here.  Rather than doing recaps of episodes this season, we will be pointing out some key moments and predictions. So join us as we work try to remember with episode 2, “Superposition.”

***Major Spoilers Ahead! You Are Reading At Your Own Discretion!**

Claudia Stilinski


Yes Stiles’s mother returns to Beacon Hills this episode leaving fans more confused about a character returning since Kate Argent. Even Sheriff Stilinski questioned her existence when Jordan Parrish informed him that his wife is at the station, “My wife?” Sheriff Stilinski asked with a confused look.  He then finds Claudia waiting in his office with dinner.

Sure Stiles is taken by The Wild Hunt  therefore the memory of him is erased from his friends and family. However, her return is confusing as Claudia died from frontotemporal dementia. Sure Stiles is the son of Claudia.  However, he was not the cause of her death. So why is Claudia alive and well?

Our theory is that perhaps Claudia is not what she appears to be. If Stiles being erased from existence changed the timeline for events for characters, then this would have to be the same for Peter Hale. Peter Hale, who is also taken by The Wild Hunt, was left in a “Bardo” like waiting room with Stiles and others (seen in the Season 6 trailer). So if this theory is true about the effects of one being taken, then Scott would have never been a werewolf, Allison would be alive, Liam along with Hayden would be human, Derek would still reside in Beacon Hills, Lydia’s Banshee powers would still be dormant, and Laura Hale would be the Alpha of Beacon Hills.

Sounds like a huge mess for the writers to clean up, so we will stick to Claudia being supernatural (well the form she is now in). Who ever took Claudia’s identity could be the leader of The Wild Hunt, as Dr. Deaton mentioned The Wild Hunt are drawn to war and mayhem. Beacon Hills has been quiet after The Beast reeked havoc.  So what could be drawing them to Beacon Hills now? That leads us to the newest villain that arrived this Season, Mr. Garret Douglas.

Garret Douglas 

He is the new teacher at Beacon Hills, that is the stereotypical “Hot Teacher,” but don’t worry there will be no student/teacher romance here. Mr. Douglas as we know it is the Nazi Alpha werewolf that will stir up trouble for Scott and his pack. He already kills off the school janitor and we are almost positive he is the one crushing skulls in the sneak teaser for 6A.


There is also that interesting cat diagram that he drew on the chalkboard about “Superposition.” This theory would prove to work when Corey uses his abilities to turn invisible as The Ghost Riders stroll into Beacon Hills High School. Invisible Corey is able to see the Ghost Riders without the riders seeing him. Therefore he can’t be taken by The Wild Hunt; it looks like this ability will play a vital role for Scott’s pack to protect others from being taken.

So how evil is Mr. Douglas? Apparently he is evil enough to attract The Wild Hunt thanks to a little help from The Dread Doctors last season.

A Case of Phantom Limb Syndrome 


Scott struggles with the unsettling feeling that someone or something is missing. He confides in his emissary, Dr. Deaton about the loss of memory he had felt. In which Dr. Deaton diagnosis Scott with Phantom Limb Syndrome and instructs him to dream so his subconscious can help him remember. Scott takes Dr. Deaton’s advice and gets the much needed rest. He awakens in the woods that than triggers a feeling, the feeling that he lost a friend.

Scott calls Malia and Lydia to the woods to help him recall his memory. The memory of the very first episode of the series where Stiles and Scott wander the woods to looks for a dead body. While on their memory walk, Malia talks about her recent behaviors from clawing at her desk, turning her bedroom floor into a coyote den and caring around chains to keep her from lashing out. Lydia informs Malia that she couldn’t have chained herself up alone nor did Scott or herself assist Malia. This triggers the memory for that the person who chained her up and wanted her to stay human.


Lastly Lydia recalls waiting all day for someone to show up to school. She than says aloud what Stydia fans have been waiting for a long time, “I’ve been waiting for him all day. Whoever it is, I think I loved him.” Yes, Lydia finally admitted aloud her feelings for Stiles and the fandom is nearly died. All we can say is that after this episode we were suffering from a little bit of Phantom Limb Syndrome ourselves with Stiles being absent in his very first episode to date.

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