Teen Wolf 5×05 Recap: When All Is Lost


Stiles what have you done?  Kira losing control of her powers! Stiles still likes Lydia! Scott confirms he loves Kira!

I believe most of the Teen Wolf fandom went into shock, after watching the first five minutes of the episode. We see Stiles fighting off Donovan, who had been supernaturally altered by the dread doctors. The fight for survival leads to the high school (where fans know nothing good ever happens on Beacon Hills High School campus).

The battle for survival leaves Stiles scrambling for his life, in which he ultimately kills Donovan by accident. The realization of what happened, leaves Stiles in a panic. Actor Dylan O’Brien [who plays Stilies Stilinski] gave a heart breaking performance, no words were spoken in the first ten minutes of the episode. The viewers could feel the moral battle that Stiles was faced with, the heart racing moment when he call 911 and all that could be heard from the operator was Stiles’s breathing. Dylan O’Brien’s performance left viewers heart broken for a fictional character and questioning what this means for Stiles.


Ultimately Parrish had taken Donovan’s body to the Nemeton and Stiles is left with the daunting task of confessing what has happened that night to Scott. Later in the episode we see Scott and Stiles talking about justification of killing someone if it was ‘”Self Deffense.” Scott went on during the scene to explain that those being supernaturally altered by The Dread Doctors were victims. “We shouldn’t be trying to kill them, we should be trying to help them.” Will this incident alone break the pack? How will Scott handle the truth of what Stiles had done? Will Scott’s moral compass and ideals effect the pack altogether?

Another highlight of the episode was the return of the Stiles and Lydia detective team back at Eichen House. Not only were fans delighted to see the pair together, doing what they do best, but shippers and fans were given insight (no pun intended) of The Dread Doctors by Dr. Valack. That the book Malia had found in the previous episode, properly entitled “The Dread Doctors,” was written by Dr. Valack himself. The book is revealed by Dr. Valack to be a memory sensor for those who have encountered The Dread Doctors. Judging how Jeff Davis likes to surprise the fans with big reveals, I have a hunch that Lydia’s memory sensors that are triggered from the book, will lead to how 5A will evolve and possible cause chaos for the pack.


The episode was full of moments between Stiles and Lydia, but none more memorable then the discussion of the two by Scott and Kira.  Kira asked Scott if Stiles still likes her [Lydia]. In which Scott simply answers, “Yeah, yeah but it’s different now. –you should have seen the way he used to be around her. It was kinda obsessive but not all bad” Scott went on to tell Kira about Lydia used to pretend to be dumb and that Stiles was the only one who knew how intelligent she was. This line a ode to Season 1 Episode 11.  MTV even left #StilesStillLikesLydia on screen as the episode aired, leaving Stydia shippers in a frenzy.


Stydia wasn’t the only duo to be heating up Episode 5. Scott and Kira had a moment, trailing from the previous episode in which Scott nonchalantly admitted that he loves her [Kira]. Kira being the adorable and awkward one to the relationship, needed confirmation and finally received that from Scott after he whisked her away from Eichen House while losing control of her abilities.

This episode was packed with raw emotion and what seems to be the theme of this season of ‘moral compasses.’ When is it enough to keep saving everyone? Is Scott’s way of thinking in the best interest of the pack? Is Kira’s evolution going to cause a rift with her and Scott? Does this go back to the ideal that a fox and wolf are mortal enemies? Who will Stiles open up to first about Donovan? What is the motive behind the Dessert Wolf and the visions Malia is getting lately about? How is Theo playing into all of this with The Dread Doctors? Is Lydia the one in great danger this season? All of these questions we hope to have answered in last five episodes in 5A.

Photo Credit To Kissthengoodbye.net


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