Shadowhunters Season 2 Finale: Thoughts and Highlights
Shadowhunters has been known to break the status quo as far as separating from the beloved book series. Things like swapping out character deaths in favor of questionable character arcs to lack luster romantic relationships that has fans scratching their heads. Here are my thoughts about the Season 2 finale.
I needed some time to properly digest the Season 2 finale. I am far behind in regards to reading the book series. Despite being behind in the books, I managed to feel the disconnection in the Season Finale especially in regards to the Clary, Jace and Valentine storyline. Writers on the show have painted Valentine in a negative light, and really focused on his fatherly issues when it comes to Clary. He claims, just before raising the Angel Raziel, that he had to kill Jocelyn and ultimately Jace for The Circle.
However, in the novels, Valentine does not kill Jocelyn and that his love for her is ultimately his weakness. So for the television series to kill Jocelyn off for this “For the Circle” storyline made me cringe. Than there was the stab in the heart death of Jace that had me feel a bit mixed. For book readers, we know that he eventually is resurrected. But the sequence was so quick that viewers didn’t feel emotional about the loss of Jace.
Sure Valentine was threatened by the connection Jace and Clary share, but there had to have been a more emotional conflict inside Valentine for killing Jace. Jace was someone that he raised like a son. That’s the problem with this season; they pull these “deaths” in hope to bring emotional drama. However, the characters themselves are anything but emotional. Clary grieved for her mother for only two episodes and managed to carry on with life. She only brings up her mother’s death when a scene called for it for, once again, a “see I am an emotional character” sub plot.
One thing I am excited for is the return of Jonathan in Season 3. After he washes ashore, Jonathan calls for his mother Lilith to save him. She is summoned by her son and comes to his side at the end of the episode, unhappy to see the state Jonathan is in. Viewers immediately feel the looming sense of revenge for killing her son. Just like Jace, Jonathan will be resurrected to carry out revenge. Watch out Shadowhunters and downworlders, Mother and Son are about to unleash hell in Season 3!
Personal Thoughts
- The Seelie Queen has taken a liking to Simon. A liking that comes off as a tad bit clingy and over possessive. She kidnaps Maia in hopes that Simon will come to her agreement to save his girlfriend. Of course the Seelie Queen’s plan works and Simon is her resident pet. This was something that was never seen in the book series and felt contrived. I catch myself cringing at the Seelie Queen scenes, and wonder why the writers are creating unnecessary storylines for minor characters.
- I enjoyed the parabati scene when Alec Lightwood feels the pain of losing his parabati brother, Jace Wayland. We saw flashbacks of the two in their youth and their bound that was quickly formed. Alec mourned for Jace and, despite producers trying to push Clace emotional feelings to the death, I found myself more upset for Alec and his loss.
- Malec is back! Glad we don’t have to continue to endure the break up saga of Alec and Magnus. Hopefully these two can stay made up for awhile!
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