Shadowhunters: Hightlights and Thoughts from 2×12 “You Are Not Your Own”

Shadowhunters played mind games with everyone with an interesting body swap and family secrets divulged. This had both book and television fans cheering with excitement. Here are my thoughts and highlights from episode 12, “You Are Not Your Own.”
Feeling Out Of Body
The episode picked up on last episodes mini cliff hanger with the body swap of Magnus Bane and Valentine. Lucky for Valentine he was placed in a powerful warlock’s body which allowed him to be more accessible and needed for Azazel to obtain the mortal cup. However, the plan is spoiled when Alec shows up to Magnus’s loft sensing something is off about his warlock boyfriend.
Alec is quickly confronted by Azazel and vanquishes him with some helpful tips from Sebastian. This left Valentine and Magnus trapped in each others body momentarily. With time not on Valentine’s side as he is ordered for execution, Magnus pleads for Alec to believe him in this form. Magnus as Valentine divulges intimate secrets that only they shared with another (I was hoping to get more smutty details for my Malec ship heart). Alec is caught off guard and looks to Jace for guidance about his encounter with “Valentine.”
Jace is quick to remind Alec of the terrible reputation Valentine has as a liar. However, Alec can’t shake the feeling as he is reluctant to send Valentine to execution. He saves “Valentine” in the knick of time as the real Valentine reveals to The Clave his newly acquired form in Magnus and kidnapping Jace.
I have to say this storyline seemed a little weird and a far stir away from the novel series, but I can’t ignore the amazing acting from Harry Shum Jr. (Magnus Bane) and Alan Van Sprang (Valentine). They nailed both characters and the emotions felt real. I enjoyed all their parts and felt for the both of them (yes even Valentine).
You’re Not Alone
Another favorite moment this episode was the storyline that came together towards the end of the episode that had me cheering and clapping for the defiant Shadowhunter, Jace Herondale. Yes, you heard right! Jace Herondale, the son of Stephen and Céline Herondale. Valentine divulged the secret to both Jace and his Grandmother, Imogen (Inquisitor of The Clave), as leverage to obtain Magnus in his form to swap back to himself.
Luckily, Valentine’s plan does not go as planned and, after he is back in his own body, he is quickly escorted by Clary back to The Institute prison. Jace, after surviving capture, has his first conversation with his grandmother. She tells him about the history and powerful linage of Herondale. She leaves Jace with the Herondale ring that was stolen by Valentine.
Other Favorite Moments
- Sebastian pays a visit to Institute and has his first of many salty moments with Alec. Also look at Alec being all protective of Clary with Sebastian. He has really come around this season.
- Izzy and Simon having their first encounter and screen time since Season 1. I loved their interaction and looks forward to more screen time with them two. It’s also nice to see them both leaning on another.
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