Shadowhunters Episode 2: “The Descent into Hell Isn’t Easy”

Shadowhunters Episode 2: “The Descent into Hell Isn’t Easy”

**Warning! Spoilers ahead!**

The episode kicks off with Jace, Clary and Simon entering the old decrepit church. Clary asks Jace to show Simon what it looks like without the runes protection. Simon witnesses the old building transform into a high tech Shadowhunter institute. Jace and Clary try explaining to Simon what Shadowhunters do, and how they use runes to protect the institute and keep it hidden from the human or should I say ‘mundane’ eye.


We also learn that Shadowhunters aren’t allowed to talk of ‘The Circle’, due to The Circle leading a revolt many years ago, getting a lot of Shadowhunters killed, including Jace’s father.

Luke gets in a confrontation with a Circle member in a parking garage and all we are left seeing and hearing is growling, and a car getting pushed a couple feet away from a wall where they were fighting.

Back at the institute, we meet Hodge Starkweather the weapons trainer, and ex-Circle member. We learn Hodge left the Circle after the uprising to repent. He is bound to the institute and forbidden to leave or even speak of the past. When Hodge see’s Clary he is taken by surprise calling her Jocelyn. Clary tells him that Jocelyn is her mother, and that she is missing and that Valentine is alive. When Hodge begins to talk about the past a rune continuously brands his neck. In severe pain he tells Clary he believed Valentine was dead with The Circle. He tells her that Valentine was the leader of The Circle, he believed Valentine wanted to protect humans, but didn’t realize the lengths he would go and the people he was willing to sacrifice. He tells them most of humanity would have died had they carried out Valentine’s plan, and that Jocelyn was part of The Circle. He tells Clary that Jocelyn left The Circle taking The Mortal Cup with her and that everyone else presumed Valentine died in a fire years ago.


Then we learn the most important thing: The Mortal Cup can create Shadowhunters if it is in the right hands. However, in the wrong hands could control demons, and Jocelyn took the cup to hide it from Valentine, and if Valentine has her she is in great danger.

After hearing all this news from Hodge, Jace is certain that Clary must know where the cup is, but that it is hidden away in her memories that Jocelyn was suppressing over the years by using magic from a Warlock. Clary believes the Warlock must be Dorothea due to her creating the portal Jocelyn pushed her through.

Meanwhile Luke is at Jocelyn’s house looking through her things when Dorothea appears, she tells Luke that she sent Clary to him through a portal. Dorothea then tells Luke she is going to see Magnus and find out if he knows anything.


Isabel and Simon have a little flirtation going on, and she takes him to her room and tells the envious Simon that Jace was saving Clary’s life and that he had to mark her with a rune to do so. She also tells him that runes on mundanes would either kill them or turn them into Forsaken.

Back at the precinct, Luke finds out that Clary came to see him while he was talking to the Circle members. He realizes that she must have overheard him telling The Circle members that he didn’t care if they killed Jocelyn and Clary. He knows he must find Clary and that the way to do that is through Simon.

After Clary tells Jace she believes Dorothea is the Warlock they need, they all decide they need to find her. As Clary is telling them where she could possibly be, she grabs her necklace that Joclyn gave her before sending her through a portal.  It begins to glow a purple hue, and Clary is struck with a vision of Dorothea at Magnus Banes club, Pandemonium.

At Pandemonium we learn that Valentine is hunting Warlocks one by one. Magnus tells Dorothea that Valentine can’t kill what he can’t find, and that now is the only chance for Dorothea to save herself before he disappears through a portal himself. She stays and outside of the club is attacked by Circle members.

Clary see’s Dorothea get captured so the gang decides to take another route. The only other way to recover her memories if by The Silent Brothers in The City of Bones.

Valentine now has Dorothea and is trying to have her tell him who helped Jocelyn and Clary. She refuses to tell him anything so he grabs a syringe and injects her with some mysterious mixture.

Isabelle, Alec and Simon stay outside as Clary and Jace enter the City of Bones.

As Jace and Clary descend into the City of Bones he pulls out a stone called witch light to light their way. They come upon a statue that has the Shadowhunter creed engraved in it. “For Shadowhunters the descent into hell is easy.”


On the way down we learn that not only did Jace lose his father, but his mother died when he was a baby.

We finally meet the creepy Silent Brothers whose mouths and eyes are stitched shut, they tell Clary to enter the Circle speaking to her through her thoughts.


Meanwhile outside flirtatious Isabelle and Simon walk back to his van so he can show her his music. Upon arrival Isabelle hears something, she tells Simon to get into the van and lock the door. She disappears and after a moment of Simon listening to his music, hands grab him from the back of the van!

Back to the creepy Silent Brothers, Clary stands in the middle of the Circle and a sword begins to descend as she is looking up at it, it touches her head and she is taken back to overhear Luke and Jocelyn speaking, that’s when we find out Valentine is her father!

Dorothea uses magic to get her cage open where Valentine is keeping her.  She walks over to Jocelyn who is in a magic coma and tells her Clary is fine. She is caught by a Circle member, and there’s a struggle, but Dorothea grabs the syringe and stabs the Circle member in the throat. Valentine enters and tells the circle member he wont forget his sacrifice then appears to kill Dorothea.

Clary and Jace emerge and tell the others that she is Valentine’s daughter. Alec didn’t like her before, but now he really doesn’t like her. Then Clary realizes Simon is missing.  Isabelle tells her she searched everywhere. Hanging upside down on the structure above them is Simon, being held by vampires. The vampires tell them they will give them back Simon in return they want The Mortal Cup.

Were you really shocked about Clary’s father being Valentine?

What’s going to happen to Simon?

Let us know what you think about the second episode in the comments below! Hope you enjoyed!

Catch Shadowhunters on Freeform Tuesdays @ 9/8c

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