‘Shadowhunters’ 3×19 “Aku Cinta Kamu” Review and Thoughts
Our favorites explore the bonds of love and just how far they will go to get it back. Here are my thoughts about episose 3×19, “Aku Cinta Kamu”
Post-breakup, Magnus wanders the streets for clarity and is greeted by his father, Asmodeus. Whom hand delivers his powers back to Magnus claiming he only removed his in hopes to rebuild their relationship. Being one of the most clever characters I am surprised that Magnus did not question his father further about the re-gift of his magic. Knowing his father’s gifts always come with some form of cost and that cost was losing Alec.

The pain of losing Alec weighs heavy on Magnus’s soul as happier memories flood his thoughts. Leaving Magnus (and fans) in a mess of emotions causing our favorite warlock to seek out Brother Zachariah to erase his memories of Alec. However, Brother Zachariah speaks (yes you heard right), “If erasing Alec from your life is truly what you want, you’ll find the strength to do it on your own,” Brother Zachariah tells him.
Just as Magnus is about to erase Alec from his memory Asmodeus stops him. Telling his son, “This Shadowhunter you love, the heartache you’re feeling, fight through it, no matter how painful,” Asmodeus continues. “Those memories will make you wiser, stronger.” Magnus at an emotional low seeks comfort in his father after keeping the memories of Alec.
Another relationship that is on the line is of Clary and Jace. After giving into the darkness Clary has sworn her love to both Jace and Jonathan. With a kill order on Clary and Jonathan’s head from The Clave. The race to save Clary’s life is even more urgent. Jace puts his life on the line in hopes that his love for Clary will bring her back.

However, his love for Clary weighs heavy on his judgment and he quickly falls victim to Jonathan’s games. Let’s face the facts here love triangles end with collateral damage and sadly Jace’s heart is crushed after Clary sends him away to live her new life of darkness.
Overall Thoughts
There was a nerdy moment between Simon and Izzy as they team up once again to save Clary. However, I want more screen time from them, their storyline often feels like a secondary filler and knowing that these two could possibly end up together at the end of the series. I would like some more Sizzy time to allow their love to “sizzle more” onscreen before the series wraps up!
Malec scenes were my favorite of the episode. There was natural human emotion after a horrific breakup in which both parties lose. I liked the various flashback of domestic life and the foreshadowing of Malec being parents one day. I am going to be real here and say these two will find their way back, especially with Magnus deciding to keep his memories of Alec. If these two don’t end up married with kiddos at the end of the series it is sloppy writing and storytelling.
Overall the episode felt like a filler and setup for the last two acts of series. This episode focused on the bond of love and what one will do to reclaim it. From Magnus deciding to keep his memories of Alec to Jace risking his life for his love (Clary). The emotional and physical sacrifices we make for love.
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