‘Shadowhunters’ 3×16 Review and Thoughts: “Stay With Me”
Shadowhunters’s latest episode has our favorites looking for help in unexpected places to protect those they love. Here is my review and thoughts about episode 16, “Stay With Me.”
The opening sequence had Magnus and Alec (and fan hearts) dancing with delight. Sadly this tender moment between Malec was simply a dream and the reality is much more bleak for Magnus. The Spiral Labyrinth gave the news to Alec that Lorenzo’s magic is attacking Magnus’s body.
In a desperate bargain for Magnus’s life, Alec pleads with Lorenzo Ray for his help. However, Lorenzo Ray’s jealousy over Magnus plagues compassion to save the beloved warlock. Alec in a desperate attempt makes one final tearful plead to save his love. His pleas seems to have worked some magic as Lorenzo rescinds his magic, saving Magnus in the process.

Another desperate action this episode was from Clary, as she seeks Lilith’s help to remove the rune binding her to Jonathan. However, that pesky bond between Jonathan and Clary is more than just a rune. As they both wish to summon the Queen of Hell. Bad news for Clary is that Jonathan beat her to the punch!

Jonathan’s one on one, however is much more sinister as he plans to kill off ‘mommy dearest’ as a prize to the Seelie Queen for the Morningstar Blade is foiled. Clary summons Lilith with the help of Cain, Simon, Izzy, and Jace. But nothing can keep the Queen of Hell contained for long. Clary’s interrogation is disrupted by Jonathan and before Lilith flees back to Edom (with Cain in tow) she leaves final truths. The blade Glorious possessed by Michael that purges demonic energy
In the last act of desperation, Jonathan reaches out for Clary to save him after Simon’s attack. Clary struggles
Overall Thoughts
Is it just me or are you tired of the Magnus afraid of Alec loving him without his powers storyline? This seems to be a constant theme over the season. Does Magnus love his power more than he loves Alec? Guess we will have to see
I am glad Luke is out of prison,
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