‘Shadowhunters’ 3×12 “Original Sin”: Review and Thoughts
Highlights of the Episode
This episode had all the major shippers of the book series and show squealing. The producers and writers did some much-needed fan-service. Starting off first with Malec shippers! Alec and Magnus decided to teach each other a lesson or two (and not everything is in the bedroom). As Magnus adjust to the world and his mortal life. He realized that time is of the essence and tries to maximize the time he has left. By cute boyfriend dates, trips to the farmer’s market and personal training. And I get the feeling a proposal is just on the horizon!

On the other side of the world, Sebastian and Clary are navigating their complicated sibling relationship. And when I say complicated, I mean slightly strange and possibly incestuous feelings on Jonathan’s part. Clary clearly wants nothing to do with her estranged brother despite his coy and cunning attempts to be in her good graces with a trip to her dream city, Paris.
Luckily for Clary, she is rescued by Jace, Alec, and Luke from Jonathan’s grasp (for now). And the reunion of Clace was adorable, finally, these two were able to catch a break!

Simon and Isabelle seek out Rafael’s lead about an ancient vampire that poses the Mark of Cain. But Simon got more than he bargained for when the ancient vampire is Cain himself. Cain divulges to Simon that he can have the mark removed in a Seele ceremony. The ritual is life-threatening that even Cain himself couldn’t go through with the ceremony. On the brink of death, the Seele Queen informs Isabelle that he needs mundane or Nephilim blood to survive. Without thought, Isabelle uses her blood to save Simons life, despite her addiction to Yin Fen (vampire venom).
Overall Thoughts
The episode closed off a potentially long storyline. I can’t help but fathom the exploration of the storyline between Clary and Jonathan and how their development would have played out more if the series was not abruptly canceled. Overall the episode was satisfying for fans and shippers alike.
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