Shadowhunters 3×03: “What Lies Beneath”

Shadowhunters dropped some major bombshells that will affect some of our favorites! The family-centric episode, “What Lies Beneath,” covers the loss of those we love and the repercussions of family secrets.
What’s Up Simon
Simon left one of Luke’s men with a broken hip and a fractured leg after his glowing head symbol activated him with super strength. The mysterious mark was given by the Seelie Queen during a ceremony where she briefly held the vampire captive. Once again when Simon is about to be physically threatened (this time by Rafael), the blue glowing symbol activates and we learn that the branded symbol is a protection mark. In the search for answers, Simon finds himself drenched when he finds himself locked out of The Seelie World portal (guess he won’t be jumping into bodies of water anytime soon).
Mommy Is Home
Lightwood mommy dearest makes an impromptu visit to see her children and we all know Maryse is more tough love than gentle love. Isabelle designs a plan to have Magnus join them for dinner as a charming distraction to derail Maryse’s agenda to criticise her children’s life. During a Malec hosted dinner, Maryse laid a bombshell that she is being re-classified as a traitor and The Clave reopened her case for her role as a former Circle Member. Her charges are enough to strip Maryse of her runes and exile her from Alicante. Alec’s father (Robert Lightwood) will be reassigned to the L.A institute as a deal bargain.
Maryse is forthcoming with her son about her role in The Circle as a recruiter and the recruitment of their father to Valentine’s group. She takes the high road and reaffirms to Alec that the charges were just for what she had done. She leaves the Lightwood name in the hands of her children to carry on their legacy. Maryse thanks Magnus for loving her son and standing by him during troubling times. Leading to Malec gazing into each other’s eyes in a loving manner that we all hope to have one day.
An Old Face Returns…Sorta
Seven Mundanes are murdered in 48 hours. The owl demon that has been feeding on the mundanes is suspected to be none other than Jonathan (Sebastian) by Jace. After a run-in with the cunning demon at the institute, Jace is not sure if the encounter was real or one of the many dreams he has had about Jonathan. However, in a jaw-dropping turn of events, Jace is the owl and his killing of Mundanes is to provide the rebirth of Jonathan.
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