Cosplay Friday Highlight

Here at Bgeekyblog we have grown to appreciate the community of cosplay. There is something special about the cosplaying community that deserves more recognition for their craft. Countless hours and hard work go into the details of bringing to life beloved characters. Your gender, physical appearance or age should never hinder you from your passion to cosplay. Cosplay is for everyone.  With that ideal, we are excited to expand out highlights to the cosplay community.  We are pleased to highlight Rachel.

1.What sparked your interest in cosplay?

I’ve always lowkey had an interest in cosplay. There were SO many shows and movies that I was so passionate about and I just saw specific characters and wanted to be them and dress like them. I just didn’t know the name for it until my old friend told me to come to New York Comic Con 2012. Since then, I’ve been completely hooked and I’ve been expressing my imagination in the way I wish I could’ve done when I was younger.

2.What has been your favorite character to cosplay?
Having a favorite cosplay was always an extremely hard question to answer since my answer usually changes depending on how I’m feeling and I also am in love with all the characters I cosplay. As of now, my favorite cosplay would be Queenie from Fantastic Beasts. I’m in love with her hair and outfit, and especially her character since she acts how I wish I could be!
3.What would be your dream cosplay?
Oh man. Another hard question. Probably Princess Rosalina and/or Dumbledore with fishnet leggings.
4.What has been the most difficult cosplay for you and why?
I would either say Grantaire or Mystique. Grantaire LOOKS fairly simple, but everything was extremely hard to find online. It took about 4 months to find everything. I had to find vintage, Victorian clothing that looked good but wasn’t overly expensive (trust me, it felt impossible at some points). The only good vest I found at the time was over $200 … soo my boyfriend ended up just making me one (which turned out even better)!
Mystique is difficult because her hair is the consistency of plastic and all of the facepaint and latex just makes me feel like I can barely move. She’s one of my favorite characters, so it’s worth it.
5.If you could reenact any scene in cosplay from any fandom, what would it be?
Most definitely Azula and Zuko’s agni kai (I’m actually going to recreate this at Katsucon!)
6.You cosplay a lot of different fandoms.  Which character (if any) would you say you relate to the most and why?
I would say Katniss Everdeen. I am very protective of those I love and I would do anything to keep them safe and happy even if it meant risking my own life.
7.If you could hang out with any character from any fandom, which character would you like to hang out with and why?
I would reaaaally want to hang out with Newt Scamander. I’d love to go into his suitcase and chase his creatures around the city!
8.You’ve been to a few conventions in cosplay.  What has been your most memorable convention moment?
I have two. One was during Otakon 2015 when I was cosplaying Ariel. Two little girls were SO HYPED to see me and they gave me their stuffed animal! It warmed my heart! The second would be NYCC 2015 cosplaying Black Widow when I got into one of beatdownboogie’s CMVs! I’ve been a big fan of them for ages so to be in their video meant the world to me.
9.What advice would you give to people who are just starting out or getting back into cosplay?
For anyone starting cosplay or getting back into it: never listen to what the “elitists” say. Cosplay is for fun and should not be a competition. Cosplay is something we all go to when we need to escape reality and have fun with friends as characters we love. It’s only a competition if you listen or contribute to the negativity in the community. As long as it’s making you happy, you’re doing it right!!
Be Sure to Follow Rachel: 

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