Beauty and the Beast Teaser Trailer


Today the teaser trailer for Beauty and the Beast dropped leaving fans wanting more.  Sadly fans will have to wait a little longer for the first official trailer of the movie, and wait till March 17, 2017 for the film release. Beauty and the Beast has to be one of the most anticipated live action films from the Disney franchise, and here’s why. 

Beauty and the Beast has an all star cast with Emma Watson as Belle, Dan Stevens as the Beast, Luke Evans as Gaston, Josh Gad as Le fou, Ewen McGregor as Lumiere, Emma Thompson as Mrs. Potts and Ian McKellen as Cogsworth. With a line up like this, there comes the overwhelming anticipation by fans to do the fan favorite book and beloved animated feature film justice. The announcement of Emma Watson to the role of Belle caused fans to immediately rejoice in excitement as Emma is a good choice to portray the intellectual and independent heroine. Dan Stevens, I believe, will a great Beast despite fan reservations about his role. Dan Stevens is versatile and period pieces are his strongest in his film repertoire. Let’s not forget that there is a handsome gruff about him, and that is suiting for a Beast.

Once of the most exciting moments from the teaser trailer was hearing the characters speak into a blackened screen, and then, lastly, our first glimpse of Emma as Belle reaching for the enchanted rose. Knowing that this was a teaser trailer for the film, I was excited to hear those familiar melodies playing as the camera swirled around the ballroom of the Beast’s castle. If anything the teaser did exactly what the trailer intended to do which was to leave us wanting more. Sadly, we will have to wait till March 17, 2017 for the film release.

There is one thing I hope won’t happen when the full length trailers are released, and that is giving us the entire film storyline in one trailer. Sure majority of people have seen the animated film and already know the storyline, but there are those finer details that come with a live action version. I hope they keep the look of the Beast and the iconic yellow dress a surprise element for movie goers. I was disappointed that the live action adaptation of Cinderella chose to, not only, show us the magical dress, but pretty much the entire film arch in one trailer. I hope Disney this time will leave a little more magic and the element of surprise for fans.

What did you think of the trailer? How are you liking the choices for the cast? 

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