My Top 5 Winter Break Binge Worthy Hulu Series
Winter break is upon us along with hiatuses from our favorites series. So here our my top 5 binge worthy Hulu series to cure those winter blues.
My Top 5 Winter Break Binge Worthy Netflix Shows
Winter break is the perfect time to catch up or discovery new binge worthy shows. Here are my Top 5 Binge Worthy Netflix shows in no particular or..
BGeeky Chats: Cosplay Plans for 2018
The BGeeky ladies are back with a new segment, “BGeeky Chat!” This episode we discuss our cosplay plans for 2018. What cons will be at in 2018? Wh..
Our List of Must See Movies In 2018
BGeeky Chat: The Walking Dead Mid-Season Finale Thoughts and Highlights
The BGeeky ladies are back with a new segment, “BGeeky Chat!” This episode we discuss The Walking Dead Season 8 mid-season finale highlights and s..
Bgeeky Chat: The Walking Dead Season 8
The BGeeky ladies are back with a new segment, “BGeeky Chat!” This episode we discuss The Walking Dead Season 8 and thoughts leading to the mid-se..
BGeeky Chat: The Shannara Chronicles Season 2 Overview
The BGeeky ladies are back!Grab your swords and put those elf ears as they share their thoughts about Shannara Chronicles Season 2. Who were their..
The Walking Dead: Episode 8X06 Highlight and Thoughts
This week’s episode of The Walking Dead takes some uneasy turns and reintroduces storylines from the beginning of the season. While it feels like ..
The Walking Dead: Episode 8×05 Highlights and Thoughts
The Walking Dead brings back everyone’s favorite villain in the latest episode titled, “The Big Scary U.” Fans were treated to small teaser into N..
The Walking Dead: Episodes 8×03 and 8×04 Highlights and Thoughts
Season 8 picks up on the road to war, and leads viewers on, what feels like, a Negan and Grimes war story as told from Rick Grimes and the communi..