Siren 1×05: “Curse Of the Starving Class”

Ben’s fixation on Ryn has caused waves in his relationship with Maddie. Being a small town, the rumors of trouble in Maddie and Ben’s relations is quickly circulating. Eventually landing upon the ears of Ben’s mother Elaine Pownall by Dr. Abott, who believes there is a mysterious woman in Ben’s life after various false medical calls to assist Ben and the damsel on the road.

Maddie and Ben decide to rekindle their relationship with “messy sex” but are interrupted by Ryn’s tracking bracelet reading over the radar. The couple makes their way back to the shoreline to find Ryn and discover the remnants of Siren skin on the sand. Maddie goes to collect samples, while Ben runs off into the woods to find Ryn and her sister.

Ryn’s return to land is to seek help from her friends (Maddie, Ben, and Helen) to save other Sirens. Reluctantly Ryn’s sister follows her around Bristol Cove to seek out Maddie, Helen or Ben. The two Sirens break into the research center where they are reunited with Maddie, Ben, and Helen. After formally introducing themselves, we learn that Ryn’s sister goes by Donna (the same name of the nurse that was killed at the laboratory).

Donna is still skeptic about humans and is angered after discovering the dead carcass of a deep sea fish. Leading her to attack Ben and is intervened by her sister Ryn causing the Siren sisters to fight. Donna leaves on her own after she is betrayed by her own sister for protecting a human.

The confused Siren (Donna) finds herself on the fishing docks to seek food from the fish bins. Being mistaken as a “meth head,” Donna goes on the attack with a worker on the dock. Lucky for him Donna is spooked by the alarms and runs off into the night. We learned their food supply is scarce by the behavior of Donna and Ryn’s reasoning for returning to land. So what is causing their food supply to vanish? Perhaps the large hauls of fish being bought by the mysterious buyers “Coastal Mills” has something to do with it.

Notable Moments

  • Maddie grabs lunch with Ben’s mother, Elaine. An excited Maddie is optimistic that the lunch is a chance to be in Elaine’s good graces. However, Elaine uses the lunch to demoralize Maddie. Claiming that her son likes “rescue cases” and that Maddie is an example of her son’s tendencies.
  • Maddie and Ryn share a kiss. Leaving Maddie speechless and in a bit of shock.
  • Helen takes in Donna, just as she did for her sister Ryn. She explains to Donna that she “Wants the same thing.” But what could that be? Perhaps it is their connection as Helen revealed to Donna that she too is a Siren.

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