Cosplay Friday Highlight: Msskunk

Here at Bgeekyblog we have grown to appreciate the community of cosplay. There is something special about the cosplaying community that deserves more recognition for their craft. Countless hours and hard work go into the details of bringing to life beloved characters. Your gender, physical appearance or age should never hinder you from your passion to cosplay. Cosplay is for everyone. With that ideal, we are excited to expand our highlights to the cosplay community. We are excited to highlight Msskunk!
1) How did you become interested in Cosplay, and what got you started?
I started in 2004. A year before I visited the Connichi in my hometown Kassel and saw people in costumes. I liked the idea to dress up as a character you really like. So I decided to wear a costume the next year. It was Kenshin Himura from Kenshin!
2)You have a lot of fantastic cosplays from Borderlands, Dragon Age, Witcher, Game Of Thrones, and Horizon Zero Dawn to name just a few. Which is your favorite to cosplay and why?
Thank you! 😀
This is a hard question because for every character I cosplay I have a reason.
So the most fun with make up I had was with Lilith. I love the character of Morrigan alot and the most fun I had with sewing was Triss. If I had to decide I would say I like Aloy the most. I need not use so much make up. The costume is so beautiful, and has so much detail. I really appreciate this.
3)Out of all your cosplays which character do you connect with the most and why?
I think its Ygritte. 😀 Not only am I the same type of woman, externally, I also have a big mouth and make fun of my beloved boyfriend 😀 I can understand her world view and why she acts like she acts. A lot of people think she is annoying, but I think she is a very refreshing woman in the whole world of Game of Thrones 🙂
4)What has been the most challenging thing about cosplaying? and what can you do or have you done do overcome it?
Every costume is challenging. For me its mostly the make up that is challenging me or the hair. I practiced a lot to make my make up. Then I do some testshots, comparing it to the original and finding out what I like, what I don’t like and how I can improve it.
5)It seems to me that you like to play RPG games, what is your favorite game and if the game has companions who is your favorite companion?
Haha. Yeah I like RPG’s a lot, but my favourite game is Metal Gear Solid, the whole saga. But If I had to chose between RPG’s I think its Mass Effect and my best buddy is, of course, Garrus.
6)How much time do you spend on cosplaying? Is it a full time job or a part time hobby?
I had a full time job the past two years, but I decided to work less and make some commissions for other people! It’s awesome because I can sew and craft and make people happy with it 😀
7)What has been your most memorable cosplay moment?
Meeting Hideo Kojima, founder of Metal Gear Solid. I was invited to the lounge party of Horizon Zero Dawn as Aloy and he was also a guest. He was the only person in the world I wanted to meet. 😀
8)If you could be placed in any game or show, what game or show would it be and which character would you become?
…Ygritte ? 😀 Let us say I would be in an historical or adventure show as a redhead with bow. That suits me, and that fits me in every way.
9)What is the best advice you can give to someone who is interested in Cosplaying and doesn’t know where to begin?
Practicing alot and being patient. Skills don’t come from moment to another. It’s a lot about making experiences and reacting to it!
Thank you Msskunk for doing this cosplay highlight with us. Please be sure to like and follow her on social media:
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