January 2017
Anime Highlight: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
I am back with another anime highlight, and boy how I love this particular anime. This anime highlight is on Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherho..
Shadowhunters: Death To Us All
Shadowhunters may have diverged from the widely popular book series killing off a beloved character. What will this mean for the show and the fans..
Teen Wolf: 6×08 ‘Blitzkrieg’
The final season of Teen Wolf is here. Rather than doing recaps of episodes this season, we will be pointing out some key moments and predictions..
Shadowhunters: 2×03 ‘Parabatai Lost’
Emotions are high and lives are on the line as everyone is looking for Jace. Some will be saved, betrayed and lost in this week’s episode titled ..
Teen Wolf: 6×07 ‘Heartless’
The final season of Teen Wolf is here. Rather than doing recaps of episodes this season, we will be pointing out some key moments and predictions..
Shadowhunters: Someone To Live For
The Evolution of Lydia Martin
When you think about Teen Wolf you think about the male leads or some ships, and avoid or skim past a character that has the most character devel..
Cosplay Friday Highlight:
Here at Bgeekyblog we have grown to appreciate the community of cosplay. There is something special about the cosplaying community that deserves m..
Shadowhunters: Where’s My Parabatai
Shadowhunters is back with new looks for the cast, special effects and bringing that fight back to Season 2. Leaving fans on a bit of a cliff hang..
Teen Wolf: 6×05 Radio Silence
The final season of Teen Wolf is here. Rather than doing recaps of episodes this season, we will be pointing out some key moments and predictions..